The internet has renewed the education system in Indonesia

Tema : The Impact of IT and Internet in Education

The internet has renewed the education system in Indonesia

        In this modern era the internet is very easy to find and is now attached to the lives of Indonesian people. Especially in the world of education that can help complete a job or to find out what we want to find
        The internet stands for interconnected network, The internet is a communication system that connects networks throughout the world and exchanging information and data through the internet using hardware such as cellphones, laptops and others.
         With the development of the internet tends to affect the world of education in Indonesia. where a student is guided using the internet as a support for learning media to increase knowledge, get useful information and add insight easily. all information is very easily accessible and can be time efficien.
         But the internet itself has a bad impact, if internet users are misused or used for things they shouldn't. such as the spread of pornographic sites, students become addicted to the internet, creativity becomes low due to dependence on the internet and others. If you use the internet for something useful then it will have a positive impact on you. But if you are not able to control the use of the internet and get caught up in the entertainment offered by the internet then it will be the negative impact that you will get.
         Thus the use of the internet in the field of education must be controlled and controlled so as not to have a detrimental impact on educational missions in Indonesia.

Quistions !
1.      What is meant by the internet ?
2.      Who is sued for using the internet?
3.      Why students are advised to use the internet?
4.      How to avoid the adverse effects of the internet?


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